Saturday, September 17, 2011


Needling or acupuncture is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. At first, acupuncture is used only as a means of treatment, but then gradually evolved into a discipline. Science is the science of acupuncture is to prepare and learn the techniques of acupuncture treatment as well as clinical and applied legal theory base.Acupuncture has a long history. In the book of ancient times had many times stated that acupuncture primitive tools made of stone, called rock needles. Needle rock first appeared in the New Stone Age (Neolithic) approximately 8,000 to 4,000 years ago, or about the end of the clan commune system. In archaeological research in China have discovered the original objects of stone needles. Until the time of Chunqiu (770 years before Christ 476 years before Christ), medical science has to break away from traditional ties, and have a professional doctor. In the book Chunqiu Zuozhuan, no records concerning the words of the famous doctor of acupuncture Huan Yi when he examined the health of King Jinggong of the Jin Dynasty.
From the time of the Warring States to the Western Han Dynasty (476 years BC-AD 25 years), the metal needle is used more broadly in line with advances in technology of iron smelting, and metal needles gradually replacing stone and acupuncture needles are used more widely and has accelerate the development process. In the Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms, there are many who are good at acupuncture medical experts, among them the Book written by Huang Pumi Acupuncture has become a work of complete special about acupuncture system. In ancient Eastern Jin dynasties and the Western Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties (256 BC-589 years BC), works specifically about acupuncture increases more and more, and at the same time acupuncture spread to Korea, Japan and other countries .
In the Sui and Tang dynasty (AD 581-907 years), acupuncture evolved into a discipline. In the medical educational institutions of medical science when it held majors acupuncture. Later, the science of acupuncture continues to grow in depth. Until the 16th century, acupuncture was introduced to Europe. But until the Qing Dynasty, the doctors prefer the drug than acupuncture, so at a certain degree of knowledge has hindered the progress of acupuncture.Acupuncture achieved great progress after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Now, in over 2,000 hospitals of traditional Chinese medicine across the country are part of acupuncture; scientific research on acupuncture have covered a variety of human body systems and various clinical sections; A large amount of valuable scientific experimental data has been made in research on the role of regulation, pain reducer and increased immunity acupuncture, as well as symptoms jingluo (acupuncture meridians) and the relationship between acupuncture points and body organs.

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